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This processing contract applies to all forms of personal data processing. staff that there Company AVINET SAFETY BV/SRL, recorded with from the business crossroads under number 2.295.376.227, and the company AVINET SAFETY BV/SRL , bearing company number 0647.813.213 ,

and the company AVINET SAFETY SARL, bearing company number 647.813.213, hereinafter referred to as: the Subcontractor, realize At name of a co-contractor has Who they provide services, designated hereinafter: the Data Controller.

    Article 1. Purposes of treatment

    1. The Subcontractor undertakes to process personal data on behalf of the Data Controller in accordance with the conditions described in this Processing Agreement. The treatment will only be carried out within the framework of the management of orders And of payments For of the products Or services of Responsible of treatment, of the organization of telephone contacts with customers of the Data Controller for the management of complaints and the provision of services, assistance with video, intrusion detection, access control and fire alarm systems, as well as for the purposes which are reasonably associated therewith or which will have do the object of a consent explicit.

    2. Personal data that are processed by the Subcontractor in the context of the activities aims has the paragraph previous And THE categories of people concerned of which they come from are listed in Appendix 1. The Subcontractor will not process the personal data for any purpose other than those stipulated by the Data Controller.

    3. The data of a personal nature in front of be treated for the account of the Data Controller remain there property of Responsible of treatment and/or of the people concerned.

    Article 2. Bonds of Subcontractor​

    1. With regard to the processing operations listed in Article 1, the Subcontractor will ensure compliance with the legislation and regulations in force, to the extent that we are responsible for them, in particular the legislation and regulations in the field of personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation as set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of the people physical has respect of treatment of the data has character staff And on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

    2. HAS there first request, THE Subcontractor will inform THE Responsible of treatment of the measures it has taken in order to meet its obligations under this Processing Agreement .

    3. The Subcontractor's obligations arising from this Processing Agreement also apply has anyone treats of the data has character staff below the authority of Subcontractor, including, but not limited to, the Subcontractor’s employees in the broad sense of the term.

    4. The Subcontractor shall assist the Data Controller, to the extent reasonable and for as much that that either In his prerogatives, In there realization of the analysis of impact relative to data protection (PIA). The time spent on this will be invoiced by the Subcontractor to the Data Controller.

    Article 3. Transfer of data has character staff

    1. The Subcontractor may process personal data in countries of the European Union. In besides, THE Subcontractor can Also transfer THE data has character staff to a country outside the European Union, provided that this country offers an adequate level of protection and meets the other obligations incumbent upon it under this Processing Contract and that the Data Controller has given its written authorization to this effect.

    2. THE Subcontractor will indicate At Responsible of treatment of which one(s) country he it's about. THE Subcontractor shall ensure that it assesses the adequacy of the level of protection offered by countries outside the European Union in light of all circumstances having an influence on the transfer of personal data or on a category of data transfers.

    3. In particular, to determine the adequacy of the level of protection, the Subcontractor will take in consideration there duration of treatment considered, THE country original And THE country of final destination, the general and sectoral legal rules in force in the country concerned, as well as the professional rules and security measures which are respected in these countries.

    Article 4. Sharing of responsibility

    1. THE treatments authorized will be realized of way manual by of the collaborators of Subcontracting and in an automated manner.

    2. The Subcontractor is only responsible for the processing of personal data relating to of here CONTRACT of treatment, carried out in accordance with to instructions of Data Controller and under the explicit (final) responsibility of the Data Controller. The Subcontractor cannot formally be held responsible for other processing of personal data, in particular, without this list being exhaustive, the collection of personal data staff by THE Responsible, THE treatments at of the ends not having summer notified At Subcontracting by the Controller, processing carried out by third parties and/or for other purposes.

    3. The Data Controller guarantees that the content, use and processing mission of the data has character staff such that targeted In THE CONTRACT of treatment born are in no way unlawful and in no way infringe the rights of third parties.

    Article 5. Intervention of third party Or of suppliers

    1. The Subcontractor may use third parties under this Processing Agreement, provided that: that these be previously declared At Responsible of treatment. THE The data controller may object if the use of a specific declared third party appears unacceptable to it.

    2. THE Subcontractor can In THE frame of here CONTRACT of treatment share of the data with third parties who handle the handling and shipping of goods on behalf of the Subcontractor and the Data Controller. The sharing of this data is limited to what is strictly necessary to provide the customer with the documents needed to complete the order.

    3. The Subcontractor shall ensure in all cases that these third parties submit in writing to at least the same bonds that those agreed between THE Responsible of treatment And THE Subcontractor. The Data Controller is entitled to consult any contracts concluded in this context.

    4. THE Subcontractor day before has This that these third party respect duly THE bonds arising of this Processing Agreement and if these third parties were to make errors, it would itself assume responsibility for the resulting damages as if it had itself made these errors.

    Article 6. Security

    1. The Subcontractor shall endeavour to implement sufficient technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data to be processed against loss or against all shape of treatment illicit (as there socket of awareness No authorized, the achievement, the modification or communication of personal data).

    2. THE Subcontractor born can ensure that there protection will be effective In all THE circumstances. If a protection explicitly described in the Processing Contract is lacking, the Processor will endeavour, if required by the Data Controller, to ensure protection at a level that proves reasonable taking into account the current state of the art, the sensitivity of the data to be processed and the character staff And of the costs related has there bet in artwork of said protection.

    3. The Data Controller does not make personal data available to the Subcontractor in view of their treatment that if he has could to make sure that THE measures of protection required have been taken. By making the personal data available, the Data Controller treatment recognizes that he considered that THE measures security are adequate. THE Responsible The processing operator is responsible for ensuring that the measures agreed between the Parties are respected.

    Article 7. Obligation of statement

    1. When a security breach and/or data leak occurs (meaning: a violation of the security of personal data which results in a risk of harmful consequences or which actually has harmful consequences, for the protection of personal data), the Data Controller is in all circumstances tenuous of inform the authority of control competent and/or THE people concerned. To allow the Data controller satisfy this obligation legal, the Subcontractor informs the Data Controller of the security breach and/or data leak within 24 hours of becoming aware of it.

    2. A event born must be declared by THE Subcontractor At Responsible of treatment that if it actually happened.

    3. The obligation of statement concerned in All state of cause THE reporting of do that he y has I have a leak. In besides, the obligation of statement concerned also :

      • there nature of there breach of data has character staff y Understood, if possible, THE categories and approximate number of data subjects affected by the breach and the categories and approximate number of personal data records affected;

      • THE name And THE contact details of delegate has there protection of the data Or of a other point contact details from which further information may be obtained;

      • THE consequences probable of there breach of data has character staff ;

      • there description of the measures that THE Subcontractor has sockets Or propose of take For remedy to the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible negative consequences.

    Article 8. Treatment of the requests of the people concerned

    1. At case Or a person concerned address At Subcontractor a request aiming has exercise his legal rights, the Parties will process the data subject's request by mutual agreement. The Data Controller remains in this case the final controller for processing the request.

    Article 9. Secret And confidentiality

    1. All personal data that the Subcontractor receives from the Data Controller and/or that he collects itself In THE frame of here CONTRACT of treatment are subject to an obligation of secrecy towards third parties. The Subcontractor will not use these

      information for purposes other than those for which it was obtained, even when it has been adapted below a shape such that they born allow not to identify THE people concerned.

    2. This obligation of secrecy does not apply if the Data Controller has explicitly authorized the Subcontractor to transmit this information to third parties, if the transfer of information to third party East in any logic needed account tenuous of the nature of there assignment has realize And to purposes of the performance of this Processing Agreement, or if the law requires the Subcontractor to transmit this information to a third party.

    Article 10. Audit

    1. THE Responsible of treatment has THE right of realize a times by year A audit For control

      existence possible of abuse on of the data has character staff by of the collaborators of Subcontractor, and anything that may be directly related to these abuses.

    2. This audit can to have place in case of presumption proven abuse on of the data has personal character .

    3. The Subcontractor will cooperate with the audit and will make available as quickly as possible all THE information reasonably relevant For the audit, y Understood of the data useful such as system logs, as well as collaborators.

    4. THE findings do has the opportunity of the audit accomplished will be transmitted THE more as quickly as possible by the Subcontractor.

    5. The costs of the audit will be borne by the Subcontractor if it is found not to have worked in accordance with At CONTRACT of treatment, and/or if THE findings have do appear of the errors which must be charged to the Subcontractor. In all In other cases, the costs of the audit will be borne by the Data Controller.

    Article 11. Responsibility

    1. The Subcontractor’s liability for indirect damage is excluded. By indirect damage, on hears any damage Who is not not A Shame direct, y Understood, but without if there restrict : consequential damage, loss of profit, lost savings, loss of goodwill, damage due to stagnation of activities, damage due to failure to determine marketing objectives, damage in connection with the use of data or databases recommended by the Data Controller, or loss, alteration or destruction of data or data files.

    2. The exclusions and limitations set forth in this section are waived if and to the extent that the damage East there consequence of a imprudence voluntary Or of a act intentional of there share of the management of the Subcontractor.

    Article 12. Duration And END of the contract

    1. THE here CONTRACT of treatment takes effect has there signature of the Parts And has there date of the last signature. This processing contract remains in force for as long as that the collaboration lasts .

    2. Upon termination of the Processing Agreement for any reason whatsoever, the Processor – as determined by the Data Controller – will return to the Data Controller treatment all data has character staff Who are in its possession below their shape original Or below form of copies, and/or it will delete and/or destroy these original personal data and any copies thereof. Excluded are data on which there is a legal obligation to retain them for use by public authorities.

    3. THE Subcontractor East in right of revise occasionally THE here CONTRACT. He will communicate THE modifications At Responsible of treatment At less 1 month in advance.

    Article 13. Right applicable And regulation of the disputes

    1. All dispute which would come has occur between THE Parts in relationship with the CONTRACT of treatment will be door in front THE judge competent For the district In which THE Subcontractor East established.

    Appendix 1 : Specifications of the data has character staff And of the persons concerned

    Personal data In within the framework of Article 1.1 of the CONTRACT of treatment, THE Subcontractor will treat THE data has character staff following For the account of Data controller:

    • Name of the company

    • Number of customer

    • Contact details of there person of contact

    • Contact details of the establishment

    • Contact details address of billing

    • Contact details address of delivery

    • Numbers of phone

    • Addresses electronics

    Data For there supply of services

    THE services can consist, without if there restrict, in there supply of goods, there supply of assistance on of the devices purchased And on the use of site web of AVINET Safety. THE data provided by the Data Controller which may be stored in databases that the Data Controller makes available for analysis, in particular for example for systems of recording video, of the devices of control access And of the systems of intrusion detection, are as far as possible anonymized by the Data Controller. For the processing of this data, prior written authorization must always be provided by the Data Controller.

    The Data Controller is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the personal data specified in this Annex 1 and the categories of persons concerned and exonerates the Subcontractor of all failures Or claims Who would result of a presentation incorrect by the Data Controller.

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